Remillard has been a VERY quiet, and very good cat lately. The only thing that made me nervous was a few nights ago, we were both sound asleep until 3something in the morning, when some firecrackers or bottle rockets or the like had gone off. Fortunately it was all in one fell swoop. When they woke me up, I thought, "hm, the cat's not going crazy, maybe he bolted and I didn't feel or hear him." But when I sat up, he was at the end of the bed as usual, just staring at the window, no meows, nothing. That was completely amazing to me. I'm still in disbelief of how fortunate John and I are to have a very mellow cat, this helps with him being my first cat. :) He has warmed up to me more, and he LOVES sleeping on the end of my bed although he knows about his cat bed, he has an occasional interest in kneading it, but nothing more than that. He sleeps quite a lot, but I think I have him trained to sleep at night when humans sleep! HOOOORAY! I couldn't have asked for a better cat! :)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Remillard has been very quiet
Remillard has been a VERY quiet, and very good cat lately. The only thing that made me nervous was a few nights ago, we were both sound asleep until 3something in the morning, when some firecrackers or bottle rockets or the like had gone off. Fortunately it was all in one fell swoop. When they woke me up, I thought, "hm, the cat's not going crazy, maybe he bolted and I didn't feel or hear him." But when I sat up, he was at the end of the bed as usual, just staring at the window, no meows, nothing. That was completely amazing to me. I'm still in disbelief of how fortunate John and I are to have a very mellow cat, this helps with him being my first cat. :) He has warmed up to me more, and he LOVES sleeping on the end of my bed although he knows about his cat bed, he has an occasional interest in kneading it, but nothing more than that. He sleeps quite a lot, but I think I have him trained to sleep at night when humans sleep! HOOOORAY! I couldn't have asked for a better cat! :)
Friday, July 17, 2009
Crazy but good cat!
went a whole day without blogging! GASP! :) Not much to say really... Wednesday night, Remi camped out on the fllor, under the bed, everywhere except on my bed until morning. Last night, being Thursday, John and I went out for a few hours, Remi noticed we were gone but he didn't burn the place down. Things are getting better with my sleeping at night but not as good as I would like the pattern to be. I know, I know, the catowns ME! ;) I have to ekep owning up to that fact. I just love how remarkably well behaved he is! He's already been chewing off a lot of the dangling fishing rod toy we bought for him, I might have to get another surprise for him soon. This morning I was eating breakfast and he climbed up onto one of the stools where he's not supposed to be, and was heading for the counter. At the same time I looked down at him to say no, he slipped off the chair and bounced, he basically fell. He's ok, I think I just startled him, he still likes me. :) I noticed a cat outside, saw this cat wandering around when we first moved in. He was eyeballing me through the back kitchen door and Remi was right there. I banged the fishing rod thingie on the window a few times and chased that cat away, although he looked like he was headed around the corner for our struggling produce garden. I hope he didn't retaliate. I'll try to get a picture of Remi jumping in the air for the fishing rod thingie, he's a kic
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Remi's vet appointment
Remillard's trip to the vet went extremely well today - much better and more relaxed than I had anticipated even though he's a mellow kitty. The only problem was a little hesitation from him when we tried initially getting him into his carrier. This cat is so weird, he actually purred when he got his shots. He got his first year shot, leukemia shot, and his nails trimmed. He's been sacked out since we got home. No danger of his cold, the Dr. said just to watch it, it has been getting better, although I was a little concerned yesterday when his eyes were watery. We also had to pick up some flea stuff for him as he has a couple of fleas, no major problem. Remillard was good with eveyrone, and he got good grades, they even liked his name. :) Back to the vet in a year unless there are any problems.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Poor Kitty
Well last night was a little quieter. Remillard didn't get up to wander around very much, and shortly before going to bed, he had a weird click at the end of each "meow" and he sounded hoarse. :( But today John noticed after looking at his nose that he probably has a little bit of a cold, I couldn't tell. So we'll see how tomorrow's appointment goes, maybe Remi will be quiet again tonight and sleep more, this morning I woke up off and on but stayed in bed until 8 which was a nice change. :) Stay tuned...
Monday, July 13, 2009
I forgot to show off his new jewelry!
Getting better...
Well, I think that Remillard and I are finally starting to have a better understanding of each other. He's warming up to me more, but he still makes me nervous at night. His food is in the kitchen, and his litter box is in my room and I don't want to block him from either one, although a friend recommended not giving him food at night so he can get the energy to stay awake. He's turning me into a light sleeper, I got up at 5 this morning. I had to get up and get after him a couple of times, one time he was in the living room, I heard the lamp jiggling and the first thing that entered my mind was, "Oh %@)$^! there goes the lamp...", when I ran out there with the spray bottle he was nowhere to be seen at the moment so I went back to bed. He just makes me nervous when he's shifting in his sleep, he's made it a habit of sleeping at the foot of my bed. We tried to introduce him again to his bed yesterday but his claws are too long, he got tangled up, and the bed flipped upside down. I wanted to take a picture, all I could do was laugh while John was untangling him.. poor kitty! John made an appointment for him Wednesday afternoon at 3 to get a physical, his shots, and his nail trimmed, so he'll probably me mad when he gets home. :( I'm not looking forward to that. I just hope that all turns out well with him and eventually he'll go back to tolerating us again. :) I don't know what to expect! Today I finally got to go out for a little bit! (have been HOME since we brought Remi home on Saturday afternoon so I was feeling a little fenced in!) I don't think he even noticed we were gone. :) Overall it's turning out to be a good adventure even though I have tried to distract him during the day and get him to stay awake so he'd maybe sleep at night.. it's no use! I gave him an empty carton of diet pepsi to play with, I guess he's not a fan of diet pepsi. :) He doesn't have a lot of interest in his toys or his furniture but I'm hoping that will all changed when he gets his nails done. Should I have them painted? LOL
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Fixed the problem, and here's a note about the cat!
if anyone has been trying to post comments, I forgot to do a couple of things in the settings but it's working now so please feel free to comment! :) Hah, John was in the "library" and the cat came in, he told me he missed the perfect photo op! He turned around and the cat had his paws around a Remillard brick that John has... but when he looked, Remillard stopped, that would have been SO perfect! (ok, an additional note, my thoughts have been very scattered today, very sleepy). I've posted this in various places all over Facebook. For those who missed the explanation, Remillard was an old local Brick company and John indirectly knew of the Remillards and he obtaineda Remillard brick, too cool! :)
if anyone has been trying to post comments, I forgot to do a couple of things in the settings but it's working now so please feel free to comment! :) Hah, John was in the "library" and the cat came in, he told me he missed the perfect photo op! He turned around and the cat had his paws around a Remillard brick that John has... but when he looked, Remillard stopped, that would have been SO perfect! (ok, an additional note, my thoughts have been very scattered today, very sleepy). I've posted this in various places all over Facebook. For those who missed the explanation, Remillard was an old local Brick company and John indirectly knew of the Remillards and he obtaineda Remillard brick, too cool! :)
Techincal difficulties
I'm having trouble enabling the comment feature.... also
I'm so tired... I didn't explain the name behind Remillard... it was from a historical brick company locally... John liked the name and I think it's sticking :) Stay tuned I'll try to fix the comment feature soon...
I'm so tired... I didn't explain the name behind Remillard... it was from a historical brick company locally... John liked the name and I think it's sticking :) Stay tuned I'll try to fix the comment feature soon...
There's a new cat in town...
Thank you for checking out this blog. On Saturday, July 11, 09, John and I finally adopted a cat for the house - first cat I've ever had. He is really cute, yet somewhat shy, but likes to play when he comes around. His name is Remillard Crow. When we picked him up, his name was already Crow, which he responds to now and then. He is black and white as seen in the picture on the main page of this blog, he's a year old, indoor cat, which we want, fixsed, has claws, which we are being careful with, and lots of bounceability! Of course I'm not used ot this, so I didn't get very much sleep last night. I'm hoping somehow I can train him to sleep at night and play during the day, but he must have the mind of a hamster. :) We are finding out that he doesn't like to be cradled, but he does like to sit in your lap, as well as explore everything! Whenever we open a door he runs the other way, which is a good thing since we live on a busy street, and I really wouldn't want there to be a possibility of him getting squished. :( He really likes my patchwork quilt that I made, but this morning I folded it with the rough edges down, as he seemed to be getting his claws tangled up easily. He is very well adjusted, he took to John and me after casing the joint out for awhile. He's litter box trained, and we had no problem showing him where the box and his food are. I'm still trying to get him to use his bed, a "cubbyhole", as well as a scratching post, however, no luck. But the poor thing was parched yesterday after John left, I could hear it in his voice. He would pick at his food dish now and then but always ignore the water, but after I put him directly in front of the water dish he went to down like water was limited! I am a little nervous and skittish since John is gone in the evenings, leaving me to attempt sleep alone with the neurotic furball. He has a couple of toys that we've tried introducing to him, there's not a whole lot of interest in the mouse, but he seems to like the multicolored cat dancer. I'm having a hard time keeping him off the counters, but we're hoping after we pick up a water bottle today, we can gently wean him out of this habit. Stay tuned for many more stories and pictures to come! Feel free to subscribe to this post so you can "follow me", and add me to the Google Reader. Thanks!
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