Friday, August 7, 2009

Just got back from the vet

Remillard was flopped out on the couch all night last night. I've become more of a light sleeper and usually know when he's moving around because of his bell. He didn't get up to eat or use the box at all.. this morning he looked really lethargic, and his eyes didn't look so good, kinda gunky. I changed his water, all he did was sniff it. When John came over and tried to get him to eat some fresh food he wouldn't eat. John did notice yesterday when he had changed the litter box, there was only traces of urine but no fecal matter... we called the vet, and the only possibilities were: Today, we could drop him off and the Drs would check on him throughout the day during their availability; or tomorrow we could take him in 9-12 first come first serve, we opted to take the kitty today and drop him off... We were almost home and the vet called and said they had an open spot so we went back. He has lost a little weight since we were last in, although not quite a pound. The Dr. took his temp and he has a slight fever, he took some blood and it will be checked overnight. The Dr. gave us eyedrops and hopefully we will be seeing him tomorrow. I'm just glad that he's home now, he seems to be a little perkier than he was this morning, I really wish he would eat. Thank you everyone for your concern, I'll keep you posted as I have more info.


  1. I hope he is feeling better soon. He is so cute!

  2. OK i can't type....... I meant to say hopefully we will be hearing from the Dr. tomorrow... argh!
