Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Remillard Ramblings

Sorry guys, haven't taken any pictures lately... Remi has not been very energetic for the last few days so I haven't wanted to bug him. He's not eating or drinking a WHOLE lot, we're bouncing around on different food options. He either has another cold or is holding on to the one I spoke of last week. If not much improvement in the next couple of days or so back to the vet we go. He doesn't want to be held by me, I evenpetted him tonight after I got home and every time I tried to stroke he walked away.. John was here while I was gone and said he ate a little bit but not much. We tried some people tuna on him and he loved it.. John went and bought some kitty tuna and it seems to be doing something although not sure what. I myself have been somewhat congested for a little bit. I have been VERY cautious (paranoid) while moving around in bed, I haven't slept well the last couple of months.. it seems that when he's in a deep sleep things can easily startle him and I don't want to do that while he's not feeling well, cuz I know that's no fun. :( John and I had "the talk" and agreed that in the future if anything ever gets really bad with him that we would have him put to sleep. But hopefully he will bounce back and live a long and healthy life. :)

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